Our Commitment to Sound Doctrine

The biblical story is the true story of the whole world and bears divine authority over all of life for all peoples. This story finds its focus and fulfillment in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are deeply committed to renewing our faith in this one gospel once for all entrusted to the saints. We long for the Spirit of God to deepen our love for God and love for others as we go about making disciples.   

Throughout the history of the church, Christian leaders have affirmed the divine inspiration, truthfulness, and authority of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures, in their entirety, as the only written Word of God, without error in all that they affirm, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. At the same time, leaders throughout the history of the Church have found it necessary to summarize the Bible’s teachings in various forms. 

Our Theological Heritage

Likewise, we believe that the Bible alone is the authoritative Word of God while also recognizing the value of systematic summaries of the Bible’s teachings. As heirs of the “faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3) and members of the church, “the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone” (Ephesians 4:19-20), we affirm: 

  • The theological consensus of the first five centuries of the church reflected in the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed (325/381). 

  • The theological consensus of the Protestant Reformation reflected in the five solas: 
  • The authority of Scripture: Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone);
  • The basis of salvation: Sola Gratia (Grace alone);
  • The means of salvation: Sola Fide (Faith alone);
  • The merit of salvation: Solus Christus (Christ alone);
  • The purpose of all things: Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone).

  • The theological consensus that exists between the historic confessions of the Reformed theological tradition, such as the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dordt, the First and Second Helvetic Confessions, and the Second London Confession of 1689. 

Though these creeds and confessions reflect the specific theological concerns of the church in specific historical contexts and though the Reformation era confessions do not agree on every point, they are valuable for the church in every age as guides in biblical doctrine. They also bear witness to the historical and ecumenical nature of the church throughout the ages and throughout the world. We gladly acknowledge the rich theological heritage we have received from these, seek to faithfully pass it on to the next generation of Christian leaders, and in like manner address the theological challenges of our day.

Carrying Forward this Heritage for Our Day
As we seek to renew the church in our day according to the one gospel of Jesus Christ, we adopt the 
Confessional Statement of The Gospel Coalition as a clear articulation of the Bible's teachings. 

We also receive the Lausanne Covenant as a clarion call and challenge for the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole world. 

Our Commitment to Christlike Character

If we have the most renowned scholars who have written the most profound books,

and professors who can exegete all texts and explain all mysteries;

If we have the most experienced pastors with decades of success,

and missionaries who have served at the ends of the earth;

If we have alumi who have secured the most prestigious posts,

and students who themselves could be teachers...

but have not love,

we have nothing, we accomplish nothing, we are nothing.

The aim of our charge is love,

for in Christ we are loved,

and through Christ we can love.

God is love.

We commit to providing leaders (board, staff, teachers, and mentors) for our students who commit to living in a manner worthy of the gospel. Specifically our leaders commit to living consistent with the character qualifications for an elder or deacon in a local church (1 Timothy 3:1–7; Titus 1:6–9). As primarily a teaching ministry, we humbly receive James’s sober admonishment when he says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness” (James 3:1).

Similarly, we admit students who aspire to Christian leadership. Our goal is to help them become commendable by their local church as biblically qualified candidates for leadership in churches, ministries, or mission agencies.

In addition to affirming the doctrinal commitment above, each member of the board, staff, and faculty make the following affirmations with a clear conscience before God and brothers and sisters with Christ Our Redeemer Seminary:

  • Being a member in good standing of a local church
  • Abiding in Christ
  • Growing in Christlike Character
  • Having Relationships of Accountability

We require each member of the board, staff, and faculty to annually sign a Leader Affirmation in which they affirm our commitment to doctrine and Christlikeness.

" While attending Christ Our Redeemer Seminary, I was amazed at the diversity of teachers coming from different church and theological backgrounds but who shared a common love for God, each other, and the absolute truth of Scripture. This context continually reminded me that despite theological differences, we are one in Christ Jesus our Lord. " 

- Kevin L. • 2024 MDiv Alumni

Our Commitment to Christlike Character

If we have the most renowned scholars who have written the most profound books,

and professors who can exegete all texts and explain all mysteries;

If we have the most experienced pastors with decades of success,

and missionaries who have served at the ends of the earth;

If we have alumi who have secured the most prestigious posts,

and students who themselves could be teachers...

but have not love,

we have nothing, we accomplish nothing, we are nothing.

The aim of our charge is love,

for in Christ we are loved,

and through Christ we can love.

God is love.

We commit to providing leaders (board, staff, teachers, and mentors) for our students who commit to living in a manner worthy of the gospel. Specifically our leaders commit to living consistent with the character qualifications for an elder or deacon in a local church (1 Timothy 3:1–7; Titus 1:6–9). As primarily a teaching ministry, we humbly receive James’s sober admonishment when he says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness” (James 3:1).

Similarly, we admit students who aspire to Christian leadership. Our goal is to help them become commendable by their local church as biblically qualified candidates for leadership in churches, ministries, or mission agencies.

In addition to affirming the doctrinal commitment above, each member of the board, staff, and faculty make the following affirmations with a clear conscience before God and brothers and sisters with Christ Our Redeemer Seminary:

  • Being a member in good standing of a local church
  • Abiding in Christ
  • Growing in Christlike Character
  • Having Relationships of Accountability

We require each member of the board, staff, and faculty to annually sign a Leader Affirmation in which they affirm our commitment to doctrine and Christlikeness.

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