W I N T E R  -   1 0 D A Y

Travel to Israel

This 10-day trip to Israel is ideally planned for their first or second seminary year to coincide with Old and New Testament courses.

This trip will focus on increasing biblical understanding as well as contemporary social, spiritual, and geopolitical complexities of Israel and the Middle East. We pray that it gives visual and experiential context to their biblical studies and awareness of this important region of the world.

S P R I N G - 1 0 D A Y

Learn from the Apostle Paul in Greece

Christ Our Redeemer Seminary is offering a study tour in Athens & Corinth, Greece, exploring the missional practices of Paul and implications for mission in the 21st Century. This trip is offered as a collaboration between Christ Our Redeemer Seminary, First Greek Evangelical Church of Athens, and the Mars Hill Center of Athens

We will learn from pastors and church planters who are serving in these diverse cities, with a mixture of teaching, historical tours, and practical learning experiences.  It will include moments such as studying his famous speech in Acts 17 while standing on Mars Hill and listening to his defense of the gospel to the Corinthian church from the very spot where he was accused of a crime before Gallio. 

W I N T E R - 3 D A Y

Travel to Washington, D.C.

This special weekend at the nation's capitol will include exclusive briefings on the war in Israel, a tour of our nation's capital, Shabbat dinner with special guests, and tours of the Museum of the Bible and the United States Holocaust Memorial. 

Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with experts and fellow attendees on pressing issues facing the Jewish community globally. You will learn about the roots of your Christian faith, combatting antisemitism, and gain expert knowledge on the most geopolitically complex country in the world – Israel! 

Additionally, you will explore the Judeo-Christian values at the heart of our nation.

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