Mentoring Overview

Mentoring is a fundamental component of Christ our Redeemer Seminary’s ethos. We believe that while you are renewing your mind through education and living on mission through your practicum, it is vital that you are also attending to your heart through a mentoring relationship.

Our desire is that you would walk in a relationship with another Christian who models and extends the presence, love, and care of Christ so that you will grow not only in self-awareness and Christlike character but also be more fully equipped to shepherd the hearts of others.

Mentoring Relationship

The mentoring relationship is characterized by compassion, safety, and trust. Your mentor will guide you in these areas of spiritual care: 

  • Appropriation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to your own life and heart
  • Affirmation of your identity in Christ
  • Attending to personal and corporate rhythms that help you abide in the love of Christ
  • Confession and surrender of your whole self to God

A Guided Process

Our Dean of Mentoring will guide students in selecting and journeying with a mentor. Commitment to the mentoring program consists of:

  • Regular meetings with the student's mentor
  • Once a semester meetings with Dean of Mentoring
  • Personalized assignments related to the student’s needs

“The first service that one owes to others in the fellowship consists in listening to them. Just as love to God begins with listening to His Word, so the beginning of love for the brethren is learning to listen to them.”

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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