Our integrated approach emphasizes rigorous theological education, heart-level mentoring, and hands-on ministry opportunities designed to shape not only how we think, but also what we love and how we live.
73 credit hours
The Master of Missional Theology (MAMT) is a three-year 73-credit-hour hour course of study intended to equip graduates for Christlike leadership for God’s global mission by providing thorough training that is missional, holistic, and rooted in the local church. Graduates will have a solid foundation for vocational, bi-vocational, or non-vocational service in a local church, parachurch ministry, cross-cultural missions, or in the marketplace.
We provide an integrated approach that emphasizes rigorous theological education, heart-level mentoring, and hands-on ministry opportunities designed to shape not only how we think, but also what we love and how we live. Our goals is the same as Paul had for Timothy - a growing competency and humble confidence in God’s call into ministry leadership through the corporate affirmation of the church.
By the time of graduation, MAMT Graduates will be able to:
Covering the areas of Bible, theology, history, missiology, and missional practice, these courses are carefully designed from the perspective of the missio Dei as revealed in the biblical story. Each course is carefully selected and sequenced based on its contribution to the overall program goals and integration with the other courses. We also offer various study abroad and cross-cultural missions opportunities for students.
Program Details
Our core courses are taught using an 8-week quarter system. Each quarter consists of 3 courses taught weekly on Tuesdays from 8:00 am - 5 pm.
The MAMT program requires approximately 25 hours/week during the 8-week quarters (this includes class time, mentoring meetings, practicum work, and assignments). In addition, there is one missiology course each summer.
We offer two study-abroad trips to Israel and Greece to consider historical and contemporary issues related to the Church's role in God's redemptive mission. Additionally, we provide cross-cultural missions opportunities.