Events & Seminars
The gospel not only reconciles us to God through faith in Christ, but by it the Spirit renews and forms us to be a distinctive people in our particular context for the sake of the world, set apart from the idolatry of the world, yet for the sake of the world. As such, we are called to live for Christ not in some other time or place, but in this one - now in Auburn/Opelika. The question then becomes, how are we to live distinctive lives in the here and now, in light of the good and the bad, the needs and opportunities, the God-honoring and the God-dishonoring currents of our local context and culture?
Christ Our Redeemer Seminary was born out of a desire to help us find and fulfill our roles in God's mission. So, in addition to our theological programs, we provide seminars, workshops, and other opportunities designed to inspire, encourage, and equip us to live distinctive lives for Christ here and now so that Christ can be made known to the ends of the earth and the end of history. By bringing leaders together around specific needs in our missional context, these events also foster relationships and partnership in the gospel. Honoring our unity in Christ and partnering to reach the world for Christ bears witness to the power of Christ's reconciling work.
So we hope you will join us at one of our events soon!
Friday, February 28 • 6:30 pm
Cornerstone Church
We invite you to join us for a meal of celebration as we bear witness to and rejoice in the incredible work that God is doing through Christ Our Redeemer Seminary.
Please Note: This is not a fundraising event, but rather an opportunity to give thanks for the growth, impact, and blessings that have come from our ministry.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
Thursday, December 5 • 12 - 1:30
Young Meadows Presbyterian Church
Is God calling you to develop Christlike leaders for God's mission?
Are you wondering how to do that in a holistic way?
Are you wondering how to root this work in the life of the local church?
If so, come learn how you can be a part of what God is doing through Christ Our Redeemer Seminary, a partnership of local churches near you, equipping Christlike leaders for God's global mission.
Thursday, November 14 • 10:30 am - 2 pm (lunch provided)
Auburn Grace Chinese Christian Church
Congress brought together around 5,200 representatives from over 220 countries to consider gaps and opportunities in taking the gospel of our Lord Jesus to every tongue, tribe, and nation.
In this seminar, Hoffman will share key lessons and insights from this landmark event and its implications for the Church in Auburn/Opelika.
Of the 126 million people in Japan today, less than 1% would claim to follow Jesus. This makes the Japanese people one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. However, as you will hear from pastors Kim and Ogura from the Bread of Life Church in Tokyo share with us about what God is doing in Japan.
Sunday, September 1, 2024
12:30 - 1:30 pm
First Presbyterian Opelika
900 2nd Avenue • Opelika, Alabama 36801
Cost: $15 Lunch
Children are welcome to attend.
Join us to kick off a new year of growing together with Christ!
Friday, August 2, 2024
6:30–8:00 pm
First Presbyterian Opelika
900 2nd Avenue • Opelika, Alabama 36801
Come learn from Collin Hansen of The Gospel Coalition and the Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics about how cultural apologetics can help us in our missionary task for our missional context.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
10:30 am – 2:30 pm (lunch provided)
Auburn Chamber of Commerce
714 East Glenn Avenue • Auburn, Alabama 36830
"I enjoyed the most recent Christ Our Redeemer seminar in which Hoffman recapped the world evangelism conference in Korea. It was exciting to know he was there with Christian believers from all over the world. The biggest challenge is reaching the over 4,000 people groups who have never heard the gospel. I enjoyed the discussion at our table on what we heard and how we might be part of reaching these people groups. This was time well spent"
- Terry Andrus